Thursday, 3 February 2011


Broke. Can't even afford a haircut. Last got paid in November. No prospect of further income till April. Try not to spend money. Make every fifty pence last as long as possible. Walking to the train station in the rain. Oxford Street, the pavement's like a mirror. Main source of employment takes so long to sift through offers I don't know when I'll get a straight answer out of them about anything. You work on ideas but they don't pay you for what you've written. For the "development". Then you have to wait, and wait. Months go by. Political changes happen in the organisation. Career breaks for those at the top. Holidays for staff. Decisions delayed on the ideas you depend on. And then when the day comes, they reject most of it. Or shortlist your precious idea "pending further discussion". Furthering the putting-off. Feeling hopeless about prospects.

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